Find the right skills and training

Develop your skills and grow your business

In today’s competitive, rapidly changing business landscape, it's essential for companies to have a skilled, adaptable and resilient workforce.

As a small business owner, developing your own skills and identifying new learning opportunities for your employees is crucial if your business is to stay ahead of industry trends and best practices.

Grow London Local is the one place for founders to get free access to support. We’ll help you identify and address the skills and knowledge gaps in your business, and signpost you to training opportunities that will bridge those gaps.

City Lit image with multiple people in classroom

Upskilling for business success

Upskilling your team provides a host of benefits for both your business and your employees.

You’ll create a more well-rounded workforce with greater digital, communication, collaboration and leadership skills. You and your employees will also become more versatile and adept at handling diverse tasks, contributing significantly to the company’s overall efficiency and productivity.

But it doesn’t just boost your bottom line! It can also improve staff morale, confidence, satisfaction and retention rates.

Flexible learning

Flexible learning

Grow London Local works with skills providers that offer flexible learning. We’ll help you find short courses and work-based learning opportunities that fit perfectly around the needs of your business – and won’t require years to complete.

Upgrade your knowledge from the comfort of your own home and learn new skills without putting your business on hold.

What’s more, many of the opportunities that we’ll explore are completely free!

Finding the right courses for your business

Find out more about the different courses available, and how they can benefit your business.

These courses allow you to upskill both yourself and your team whilst running your business. Courses last from just half a day up to 12 weeks, and are available during the day, evening or weekends, either online or in-person.

If you or your employees live in London and want to learn business numeracy skills, a free course with London Multiply could help to build confidence with numbers, without the pressure of an exam (although you can also opt to gain a qualification if you wish).

Lasting between one and six years, apprenticeships combine work and study by mixing on-the-job training with classroom learning. Apprentices are assigned a workplace mentor, and are then assessed by a local education centre that will review the knowledge, skills and behaviours they have learned.

These are practical courses that focus on a specific skill or job. If you’re interested in a particular sector, like childcare or hospitality, this could be the right course for you. The duration of each course varies, and you can progress to further education after you complete your VTQ.

A T Level is a two-year VTQ course that merges practical learning with real industry experience. It enables students to become specialists in their field by gaining classroom knowledge and then testing it in a 45-day industry placement. T Level students also learn maths, English and digital skills.

A step up from a T Level, this is specialist training that helps students develop specialist knowledge and skills in areas that are relevant to your business. These courses last for a year with most of the learning happening in the classroom, with occasional practical workshops.

ESOL courses will help you to improve your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills - enabling you to better communicate with both your customers and your employees. We'll help you choose an course that fits your individual needs and abilities.

Find your next training course

Ways to get in touch

Ways to get in touch

Get online support

You can take our free Business Success Check to get personalised recommendations based on your business needs, including support for upskilling yourself or your employees.

Talk to us

Book a free consultation with a Business Support Manager. Our team can help you identify your business needs and guide you to the right skills and education support.