Lunch and Learn: How you can leverage Google to be discovered

Henry Marshall

Silvertip Digital

Posted: Wed 20th Oct 2021

Want to know the difference between your SEO and PPC? Feeling behind on the algorithm changes that power who gets seen by whom?

In this Lunch and Learn, Henry Marshall, founder of digital agency Silvertip Digital, outlines recent changes to Google Ads and explains how you can leverage Google to have more customers discover and connect with you.


Henry Marshall

Silvertip Digital

Silvertip manages PPC and Paid Social Advertising campaigns to drive incremental sales and customer acquisition for our clients. We do this through years of experience managing campaigns across Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other platforms, and by spending time understanding a business's goals and KPIs. Our aim is to remove the barrier between agency and client and give clear, constructive analysis of what worked and what didn't with a client's campaign and use this insight to optimise activity moving forward.

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