Lunch and Learn: How to run a successful crowdfunding campaign

Danielle Wallington


Posted: Tue 23rd Apr 2024

Do you need to raise funds for a new business idea but don't want to go down the investment route yet?

Rewards-based crowdfunding is a great alternative as you can raise the funds you need without giving away any equity. Plus, it's a great way to test the product market fit and make sure it's something that your future customers will want to buy.

In this Lunch and Learn, Danielle Wallington takes you through how to run a rewards-based crowdfunding campaign and why the pre-launch is more important than the campaign itself.

Danielle shares her top tips and key takeaways from her own crowdfunding journey, where she successfully raised £21,000 in 35 days to build the idea for her app, FLOCKHERE.

As well as building the app and mentoring female founders, Danielle is trying to spread the word about the untapped potential of rewards-based crowdfunding and its many benefits and offers support to founders who need help with their campaign strategy.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • Discover how to build momentum before and during your campaign and what rewards you could offer as part of your campaign

  • Learn how to leverage your network and bring people along the journey

  • Understand what preparation you can do beforehand to make your launch go as smoothly as possible

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Danielle Wallington


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