Lunch and Learn: Digital content creation for female founders

Lucy Hall

Avviso Media Ltd

Posted: Wed 8th Mar 2023

In this Lunch and Learn, Lucy Hall, director of Avviso Media, discusses how female founders can create great online content.

Lucy also talks about her own start-up journey and how she created her brand and built her own online presence.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • Top tips on creating online content that's effective

  • How female founders can improve their online visibility

  • How to create an online presence


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Lucy Hall

Avviso Media Ltd

Lucy is a jargon free, social media trainer and consultant. Lucy is a #SheMeansBusiness accredited trainer and founder of SocialDayUK the UK’s biggest social media marketing festival. Lucy is also a Director at Avviso Media, a digital marketing agency that specialises in content and social media marketing for B2B and events brands. Lucy’s passion is to up-skill women and so set up DigitalWomen with Natwest, a community created to empower 1 Million plus women through digital skills which holds regular events and highlights the great work women are doing in digital and entrepreneurship.

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