Five ways to work flexibly and effectively

Five ways to work flexibly and effectively
Enterprise Nation

Enterprise Nation

Posted: Thu 20th Oct 2022

Squeezed out by soaring rental costs? Always on the move? Want to know how to make sure you're firing on all cylinders while working flexibly?

Flexible working has transformed the world of business. In fact, in the UK today, almost two-thirds of people now work remotely at least once a week. And when you factor in those who would like the opportunity to work remotely in the future, this number jumps to 87%.

Combine this with skyrocketing rental costs for office and desk space, and it's no wonder that many small business owners turn to coffee shops, kitchen tables and even public transport to conduct their business.

So, with so many small businesses being run by business owners almost constantly on the move, how can you ensure you're always operating effectively?

Here are five top tips on making sure you're firing on all cylinders, no matter where you are…

Keep your head in the clouds

Cloud software and shared documents, via software like Microsoft Office365 and Google Drive, will allow you to work on the same documents, from anywhere in the world, without lugging round an external hard drive.

What's more, the cloud offers increased security, reliability, and reduced IT hardware expenditure meaning that it could make you more efficient and more cost effective. What's not to like!

Be agile but don't compromise

Just because you're working from somewhere other than an office doesn't mean you should miss your client call or team catch-up.

Working flexibly or remotely needs discipline and should come with the caveat that everyone (you included!) stays on the radar, ensuring that you're delivering against the agreed ways of working, just as you would if you were in the office.

Make sure you've got the tools for the job

While BYOD (bring your own device) policies might be an emerging trend in flexible working, small business owners need to make sure they've got the tech they need to complete the task in hand.

Don't sell your business short by failing to invest and, ultimately, failing to deliver your best work because you haven't bought the right tools for the job.

One for all and all for one

Whether you're a one-man band or oversee a team, flexible working policies should apply to one and all. That doesn't mean everyone can work flexibly all the time, but that everyone has the option of working flexibly when they need to.

Offering it as a benefit to a select few can easily create resentment among teams and will leave you managing egos rather concentrating on your bottom line.

Focus on the big picture

Like oil and water, remote working and micromanagement simply don't mix! Central to the success of any small business is having faith in yourself, your team, and your suppliers, to complete the task in hand, while on the move.

Shift your approach from micro to macro management, focusing on the most important tasks while on the move, and you’ll find you're ticking much more off your to-do list.

Flexible working is the future. Too many people want, expect, or need it today, for you to overlook it. So, next time you fancy working remotely for an afternoon, make sure you take note of our five tips, walk out the door, and reap the rewards of flexible working.

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Enterprise Nation

Enterprise Nation

Enterprise Nation has helped thousands of people start and grow their businesses. Led by founder, Emma Jones CBE, Enterprise Nation connects you to the resources and expertise to help you succeed.

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