Mapping out the customer journey – business.connected Digital series

Sian Thomas

Integrow Sales Solutions

Posted: Wed 5th Oct 2022

In this free workshop, sales consultant and programme adviser Sian Thomas explains how to use digital tools to boost your customer and client conversions.

Opportunities can slip through the net when you connect with potential clients. This can be down to inadequate processes or systems. In this session, you'll discover some of the digital tools that will help you address these challenges and improve your client conversion rates.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • How to map out your sales funnel

  • What is your customer journey?

  • What digital tools will support you at each stage of the customer journey?

  • How you can get started building your systems and implementing these tools to facilitate client conversions


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Sian Thomas

Integrow Sales Solutions

If you operate in one of those businesses that invests a lot of time & money in lead generation and then have little in place to follow those conversations through - we need to talk.   Getting the balance right between sales and marketing is possibly one of the biggest challenges businesses face.   On the one hand, marketers are frustrated that their efforts go to waste when sales do not respond to their leads quickly enough.   On the other, sales are frustrated when marketing hands over opportunities that are not sufficiently qualified for the conversation.   Whether you're fortunate enough to have internal marketing resources or use external agencies, what constitutes a sales-ready opportunity may differ greatly from company to company.    I work with businesses to ensure that their sales and marketing efforts are aligned so that opportunities stand a better chance of converting.    This requires having the systems, processes, and collateral in place to enable it.   My method is based on the provision of:  👉 Sales Foundations  👉 Lead Qualification Framework  👉 Sales & Marketing Alignment  👉 Sales Conversion Enablement  👉 Customer Success Delivery   When combined they provide a solid basis for revenue growth.   For the most part, I love working with scaling businesses that are in the process of building sales and marketing teams to reach their next business growth milestone. There is little structure in place but together we will build you one.   Let's do this! Feel free to check out my LinkedIn Profile for further information about me and my work: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sianthomassales

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