
Level 4 Data Analyst Apprenticeship

Level 4 Data Analyst Apprenticeship
Alison Phillips

Fashion Retail Academy

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Our Data Apprenticeship is designed to embed a data-driven culture within modern retail businesses. It gives teams the knowledge, skills and behaviours to investigate data and business intelligence and use this to solve problems and make commercial decisions to drive efficiency, profit and growth.

Our teaching staff comprises seasoned data professionals who bring a wealth of industry experience to our apprenticeship. Each instructor has a proven track record of working with data in real-world settings, ensuring that our apprenticeships are not just theoretically robust but also practically relevant.

It is suitable for anyone who uses data on a daily basis as part of their role.

The programme explores the key stages of the data lifecycle, including governance, planning, capturing, processing, analysis, visualisation and presenting. It also covers key data languages and business intelligence tools.

Funding: 18: Fully funded. 19+: £4,220 (Loans Available)

Alison Phillips

Fashion Retail Academy

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